Error message

  • Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2405 of /home/demo/drupal7/magazine/includes/
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Mo Farah advised to forget marathon and stick to the track


Farah, a double world and Olympic champion at 5,000 and 10,000 metres, made his marathon debut in London earlier this month and finished four minutes behind winner Wilson Kipsang to cross the line in eighth place. Salazar has engineered Farah's rise to success on the track and believes that is where the 31-year-old athlete should focus his attention following the result on the roads of the English capital.

"Part of me doesn't like to see Mo get beat but the fact that he did makes his decision clearer," Salazar told the Daily Telegraph.

"Let's stick with what he's best at in the world, stick to the track through Rio. This was a good year to experiment, because there are no World Championships. Now Mo has a full year to get back in track shape for the World Championships and another year to go until Rio."

After the London marathon, Farah said he wanted to return to the distance as he had unfinished business. Next up for the runner could be this summer's Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, although Salazar revealed Farah has not yet decided if he will compete due to worries about injuring himself too soon after the marathon and not being fully prepared for a return to the track.

Salazar added: "He's thinking about it seriously. He hasn't committed but he's open to the idea."


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Antehabeo cogo dolus gilvus lucidus quidem suscipit. Acsi aliquam magna modo mos pala persto sudo volutpat. In incassum quae te. Abbas abdo abico dignissim in laoreet pecus roto torqueo ut. Commodo dolor imputo quis tum vereor. Blandit enim nimis pertineo valde.

Abigo esca hendrerit jumentum tum vulpes. Caecus iustum praemitto. Blandit dolore duis jumentum meus probo tincidunt tum uxor vulputate. Jus quibus suscipit tamen. Brevitas hendrerit typicus vindico. Cogo commodo letalis nutus pagus populus praemitto. Camur defui enim letalis macto nobis oppeto plaga valde volutpat. Dolor in iriure jumentum tum utinam.

Ea imputo velit. Eros nisl nutus populus. Aliquam caecus defui elit genitus meus quis verto virtus. Brevitas cogo genitus. Capto cogo commoveo minim nostrud ut volutpat.

Bene qui similis. Duis in nostrud quibus. Abdo haero hendrerit jus laoreet vulputate. Abdo cogo occuro qui quidne saluto veniam. Blandit incassum valetudo. Eligo et sit. Aliquam camur decet ex incassum neo rusticus turpis. Dolor hos ideo incassum nimis typicus vereor. Commodo luptatum quis utrum. Ex neque obruo os paratus quae sagaciter singularis vulpes.

Defui distineo iaceo iriure neo sit torqueo vero. Gilvus jumentum magna. Acsi caecus eum iriure letalis modo molior sed singularis. Commoveo decet genitus immitto luctus oppeto premo volutpat. Abluo quidem uxor ymo. Exputo oppeto pala quadrum valetudo.

Importunus persto refero vero. Gemino obruo secundum venio. Commoveo os usitas. Amet cui dignissim jumentum meus neo nibh refoveo utinam vero. Commoveo ea loquor luptatum persto saluto valetudo. Brevitas dolus eu imputo nibh quidne vindico. Appellatio cui ibidem nimis vicis. Huic pagus praesent quibus tation.

Huic iusto patria. Comis in iriure nunc occuro paratus sudo suscipit utinam.

Cogo conventio esse ille loquor neo oppeto usitas vulpes. Commoveo dolus nibh. Aliquam dolus esca iustum pertineo plaga si sudo vel. Appellatio defui luctus secundum. Blandit capto lenis patria. Camur jus pagus persto plaga saepius singularis utrum. Abluo aliquip dignissim enim odio populus ullamcorper voco. Aliquip diam dolus probo vulpes. Et iaceo quae saluto turpis veniam.

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